Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Ideas? Anyone?

 So my group had literally no idea what to do for our doc.  All we knew was that we wanted it to be super stylized. 

We had a documentary that we had looked up to which we actually used parts of in our documentary. It was "The incongruent congruent outlook of two teenage boys" Remember that internship I did over the summer, well one of the 10 people I worked with at that internship made this doc. my friend Santi lol and we all loved the look and feel of it. But we also wanted him in our doc. 

If you wanna watch it in full. 

We had a few ideas circling around, I know Male (there's an accent on the e it's not male like a man) wanted to do our doc on her brother which I won't go into much detail about considering it is not my story to tell, and I wanted to do something on being a mixed/ biracial kid and how it affects us. But we didn't want to settle down with a story until we delved into all aspects of it. Then I asked a question, which I felt would help us kind of gauge where we wanted to be "What's our target audience" We all agreed that it was around 15-16 to about 18-19 and I think that really helped us be where we are. 

After sitting in silence for about 5 minutes just thinking I randomly spewed an idea where I had no idea where it was going but it sounded cool leaving my mouth. Still thinking about Incongruent I wanted to do something with the arts so that we can have it super stylized. I remember both Ava and Male being extremely confused about what I was saying but the more we all talked about it the more it started to come together. 

We decided to do a documentary on why the arts are so important in society. We would have 3 key people to focus on in 3 separate sections and they all come together at the end. Film, Music, and theatre. 

Each of us did our own part of the documentary.
I did part 1 which I decided to interview Santi about film. Although our outline was poopy it still helped me I feel.  

Male did part 2, Music and she interviewed her friend Monica Torres.

Ava Did part 3, theatre, and interviewed our friend Miguel Cabrera 

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Project Components

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